Wage Garnishment Help in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Have a licensed tax professional on your side to stop wage garnishment immediately and settle your tax problems for good
Get expert help for your wage garnishment problems in Fort Lauderdale
If you've gotten to the point where the IRS is garnishing your wages or levying your assets, or you're getting letters in the mail threatening a collection, our team of wage garnishment attorneys and enrolled agents are ready to help you today. Dealing with wage garnishment is a struggle, as most folks can't afford to forfeit a portion of their paycheck while supporting themselves and their family. If you are a Fort Lauderdale area taxpayer facing a wage garnishment or back tax collection of any kind, we invite you to contact our office today so we can help stop wage garnishment immediately.
Pure Tax Resolution, established in 2008 is a full-service tax resolution firm that has helped hundreds of Florida taxpayers regain their financial freedom from the IRS. Our team of licensed tax attorneys, enrolled agents, and tax accounting professionals work together to reduce and settle tax debt, and protect the assets and wages of Fort Lauderdale taxpayers. We are ready to help you today, and get the IRS off your back for good and construct a plan to settle your tax problems.

Jonathan May - Enrolled Agent
The Facts About Wage Garnishments & Collections
If you are being targeted for a wage garnishment, it's because your tax debt has prolonged beyond a reasonable amount of time, and the IRS is taking action to retrieve what is owed to them. Some folks feel like they are being singled out or bullied, but the fact of the matter is, the IRS just wants what is owed to them, and will take action if you don't.
First off, if the IRS decides to issue a collection against you, they will never call you to demand payment over the phone, that is a SCAM and you should hang up the phone. Secondly, the IRS will, however, send you an Intent To Levy notice in the mail, putting you on notice that they will issue a collection against you if you don't act in a certain time period (usually 30 days). So, the IRS will give you ample warning.
How To Stop Wage Garnishment
If you are being targeted for a wage garnishment or collection, it means you have a pretty deep hole to climb out of that requires the help of a licensed tax professional. To suspend a wage garnishment, a licensed tax attorney must contact specific IRS channels to negotiate a settlement for you. Our team of licensed wage garnishment attorneys and enrolled agents have helped hundreds of Florida taxpayers stop wage garnishment, and formulate a program to pay back taxes while protecting assets and wages.
There are a variety of IRS back tax forgiveness programs we can secure for Fort Lauderdale taxpayers that can reduce and settle their back tax debt, and at the same time removing any wage garnishment or collection. We are available for a free consultation to discuss your options. Remember, time is your worst enemy, take a stand today and pursue professional wage garnishment help!
Learn More About Your Options To Stop Wage Garnishment
Contact our office today to speak with our President, Tim Halcomb for a free consultation. We offer flat-rate pricing, 24-hour availability, and superior customer service for our clients.